Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hey there!

Truth be told, fitandfabinmyforties was a very boring Blog, even if I say so myself...

My hopes and dreams for this new baby is that it is going to be a lot more colourful, not just in appearance but also in content.

Sure, the main thing I will be blogging about is my fitness and weight loss, but I would like this to also be a place where I can share all sorts of "stuff" about my life.

So here it is, my journey to Fabulous - why fabulous? because I've always wanted to say that, Dahlings...I want to be fab at everything I do, I want to look fab while I'm getting fit, and losing the excess weight, and I want to be a fab wife, and mum and run a fab business...

So, in case you didn't get it from that last paragraph, I also want to have a bit of a giggle at myself in the process...who knows? this could be the Blog that's here to stay!

Trying to download a little Ticker gadget to track my weight loss, but wouldn't you know it??? the thing will NOT download to my Blog.

The lovely Lucy from Diminishing Lucy has told me exactly how to download it, but I keep getting the message that "this gadget is broken..." WTF???


So, does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to "fix" the ticker?

I have a couple of basic things I want to learn how to do on this Blog, which I think would make it exactly what I want -

* how to download photos/images (bear with me here, I know it's probably dead easy for some of you...)
* how to link someone's Blog to their name

My aim is to be doing both those things by the end of the first week, then I'll move on to more advanced stuff... ;)

Back soon with an update on all things Sandra

How much time do you spend on the appearance of your Blog? Does it come easy to you?


  1. Congratulations on the new blog :) I am excited to be the first follower. My blog is not all that I hope/want it to be either. I like your techy goals for this week.

    When I upload pictures or link a blog to a person's name, I use the toolbar on top of the post as I am writing. Do you see a toolbar when you are writing? It should be right above the white box you type it with lots of little pictures or button that you can click on.

    I learned by playing with each of those buttons until I got it to work. Sometimes there are little descriptors when you click on those buttons to help explain how to do it. (Link button = link text/names to websites) (the picture button = upload image to you blog.)

    Hope this helps! :)

  2. Thanks Patty! and welcome! wow, two hours in and I already have a follower...
    I will follow your tips on how to link my little Ticker...fingers crossed.

  3. i have no doubt that you're already fabulous - by getting fitter, you're just going to become more so ;-)

    good luck with your journey to fabulousness and beyond!


  4. Thank you!!! and welcome to my Blog!

    What a lovely thing to say...:)
