Wednesday, November 28, 2012


* Eliminate added sugar and refined carbs
* Eliminate all "junk food"
* Eliminate alcohol (particularly red wine)
* Drink two litres of H20 a day
* Work out 6 times a week, at least half an hour of cardio
* Get 7-8 hours good sleep
* Meditate for 15 minutes every morning
* Sit in the sunlight for at least half an hour just before mid-day
* Invest in some good quality supplements and take them as directed!


I've been really listening to my body/moods etc lately and I have found out - some of it by trial and error -, that the above list can make a huge difference to my health, appearance, mood, fitness and weight loss endeavours.

Ah, if only I'd known all that I know now 20 years ago...but they say it's never too late.

Now to stick with the formula.....

Monday, November 12, 2012


Just a very quick post - November is here and my life is crazy-upside-down and all kinds of busy...not in a bad way, but in a way that I just know I have to prioritise or pay the price when everything falls in a it means less time on-line if I want my work and family life to run smoothly.

I am still plodding along with C25K. I haven't skipped one session, and I haven't (yet) walked any time that I was meant to be running. That means a lot to me, as I sometimes look at the session coming up and think "No way I will be able to run for 5 mins without stoppin"etc etc...but when the time comes, I just keep on running until the little voice says "Begin walking", so I do...:-)

On the home front, a friend is helping me give the girls' rooms a total "make-over" and I am so excited!!! I will probably post some photos when all is done. My girls have lived this long with a mish-mash of furniture in their rooms, some new, some handed down from older cousins or grandparents when they've downsized...this time they are getting rooms to suit their tastes and personalities and their changing needs as they enter their late (Maddie) and mid (Cassie) teenage years...

...Dreaming of mid-December when everything seems to slow right down and I can stop to take a breath again...

Til next time...