Wednesday, November 28, 2012


* Eliminate added sugar and refined carbs
* Eliminate all "junk food"
* Eliminate alcohol (particularly red wine)
* Drink two litres of H20 a day
* Work out 6 times a week, at least half an hour of cardio
* Get 7-8 hours good sleep
* Meditate for 15 minutes every morning
* Sit in the sunlight for at least half an hour just before mid-day
* Invest in some good quality supplements and take them as directed!


I've been really listening to my body/moods etc lately and I have found out - some of it by trial and error -, that the above list can make a huge difference to my health, appearance, mood, fitness and weight loss endeavours.

Ah, if only I'd known all that I know now 20 years ago...but they say it's never too late.

Now to stick with the formula.....


  1. Sounds like a great formula Sandra - stick with it and keep us updated! x

  2. It was nice to put it down "on paper", to get the consistency going. xx

  3. Sticking to the formula is the hard bit Sandra, I suck at it at the moment LOL! Its good to see it all written down though isn't it? Kinda like a 'life plan'. Now to just stick to it!
