Monday, April 23, 2012

Where do I begin...?

I have decided the answer to that question is - jump right back in but don't try to catch up ...

Goodness knows if I tried to catch up with everything that's happened in the last few weeks I'd be here all day and I'd have all five of you snoring before the end of the first paragraph, so we won't go there.

Let's just say life is never dull around here and with school holidays thrown in for good measure, I've been one busy little bee.

On the work front - I am flying solo(ish) til the end of the year. Hubby has taken on an exciting new "role" which involves a fair bit of travel as he is freelancing, if you will, so his involvement in *our* business has been scaled right down.

To be honest, I miss him. I like to have him around first thing in the morning (I am NOT a morning person) as he supports me without expecting a lot of socializing on my part but helps get me going. However, I am also enjoying the independence, if you like, and seeing as I blamed him for my recent weight gain, here is my chance to prove that I can lose the excess weight while he's not around...

I have been toying with a few possibilites of a new name for my Blog - I don't like the concept of being on a "journey" to *fabulous*...what if I'm already fabulous??? How do I know when I've arrived at *fabulous*??? Will that be the end of the journey???

See? I'm having trouble with all of the implications of this name - yes, yes I admit I am over-thinking it all, but once I've made up my mind to change something I usually do, so I think I'm very close to coming up with something - in the meantime, any ideas?? I'd love some input.

Last week we went up the coast to Port Stephens for the week. Well, I wish reservations came with weather options...we had the wettest and coldest five days we've ever had up there. Hubby only managed to get out for a half hour run before the rain started to bucket down and forced him to turn around and head back. Rain doesn't usually cut his runs short, but this was torrential...Every time I considered going out for a walk, you could be guaranteed that it would start raining within five minutes...

Much dreadful coffee was consumed (could not find one decent coffee shop there) and I have to confess it was usually accompanied by something yummy but not so good for weightloss...couple that with little or no movement and the scale showed me an unwelcome gain when I stepped back on yesterday.

Not to worry, I am now back to a 95% healthy eating plan, with my beloved veggie juice making a come-back first thing in the morning and an increase in my water intake to 2L per day...boy oh boy am I glad to work from home! These first couple of days of drinking lots of water has me visiting the loo every five minutes or so...LOL

Although our break up the coast didn't take the usual pattern of lying on the beach, getting some sun, going for long walks etc etc, I am definitely feeling the benefits of having broken from routine if only for a few days already. This morning when I logged in to my work site, I had a new clarity of purpose and got so many tasks completed without interruption. Lately I admit I had become a procrastinator and felt constantly tired and overwhelmed, however today has been a pleasant surprise and I did not feel tired by 9.30am, as had been the case goes to show that a small break can work wonders for all aspects of life.

With that I leave you for today - I'm off to the gym. I need some cardio so seeing as the weather is extremely dreary, I am not in the mood to brave the elements and will head to the nice warm gym with a TV screen in front of me and do a bit of a cardio equipment circuit before I pick up my kiddos from school.

I hope you all survived the school holidays in one piece.

How do you cope with bad weather when it comes to your workouts? I'd love some ideas.

Bye for now,



  1. Hi Sandra and welcome back to blogging, though it sounds like you've been busy!

    I'd suggest 'My Journey to Fabulouser' despite it not being a word, but that's just me! But I know what you mean about the importance of the name AND signifying that you are already mostly there. Maybe, 'My Journey to Fantastically Fabulous'. (Okay, so maybe I am stretching a bit!)

    Glad you had a nice break and well done on getting back on track.


  2. How about My Fabulous Journey?

    A quick switch of words and a whole new meaning.

    I would happily curl up with coffee and a pile of hot toast and marmalade when it's horrible out (Oh, I seem to be doing just that! ;).

    Luckily I have a dog or I might stay here all day but he motivates me to get up and out whatever the waether.

  3. Thanks seems the "fabulous" theme has stuck ;-)

    Nice to be back xo

  4. Errr how do I cope with bad weather workouts? Well I ignore the fact that its been raining all night. I get up at 5.15 and set out to walk. LUCKILY I decide to stay very local where the main road has lots of shops with verandahs so when the torrential rain comes 10 mins into my walk I can do laps under cover cursing that I was stupid enough to get up and go out in that crap awful weather. That was my start to the week.

    :-) M

  5. Thanks for such an authentic recount Magda...LOL

  6. Weather doesn't usually stop me (no excuse when you have spin bike, step, a stack of DVDs, full weights setup plus gym 5 minutes down the road) but it still annoys me when I can't get outdoors for an extended period. I go a little stir-crazy.

    Your break sounds lovely despite the bad weather and bad coffee.... :)

  7. I'm like you Kerryn, I need some outdoor time every hindsight I should have taken a couple of DVD's with me...I'm spoilt here in that our gym/aquatic centre is such a good facility.
